Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another Hodgepodge

I haven't done one of these since before Thanksgiving! And it's not because I've been busy doing the items mentioned in Question #1! It's more like Question #5. And #2 which has to do with #5 which makes me wonder if I'm really doing Question #2 for the right reasons. At least, I would contemplate that, probably while enjoying Question #4 and especially while enjoying Question #1, except that I can't do any of that because of Question #5. And don't even get me started on Question #7!
While trying to sort all that out, why don't you read about my issues, and then click here to go see Joyce's blog and the answers of everyone else in the world. (Everyone who is someone anyway because that's who does the weekly Hodgepodge!)

1. So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?
I don't walk in the woods because of the bear. I last strolled on the beach on our anniversary in June. (Don't awww. We weren't alone because his parents were visiting.) Also, we live less than an hour from the beach, and I haven't strolled there in six months. That's just wrong.

As far as the drive goes, we went nowhere in particular on Saturday, but we were trying to go somewhere in particular. We just missed a turn (there were six of us talking. Ahem!), and we went way out of our way.

2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?
I did most of my cards last night, only stopping when I ran out of cards. I hate doing cards, but I love receiving them and unfortunately, most people eventually quit sending them if you don't send some too.

That's so not right!

3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?
JUN Spartan. It's the name of a particular action figure that my boys want for Christmas. Back in October we had a guest speaker at church that was preaching on prayer. He talked about asking God until you get an answer, and he used the illustration of a child repeatedly asking for something until the parents get it for him. Apparently my boys were actually listening, at least to the illustration part.

4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?
Cocoa is flavored. It's cocoa. And it's been too warm here to really enjoy any.

5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?
First, I make a list of everything I have to do for the season. Then, I put things in order by when they need to be done chronologically. Then, I cross things off as I accomplish them.

Then my time gets away from me and I start panicking whenever I look at my list. Then I quit looking at my list because I start hyperventilating.

Then I reevaluate my list and start crossing off things that really didn't need to be done anyway.

Then I start crossing off things that didn't get done on time and now it doesn't matter.

Then I usually lose the list and operate in total crisis mode, running from one deadline to the next.

It's a complicated system, but it works for me.

6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?
I like my tree because it glitters. And no, I don't have a picture of it. That's not on my to-do list.

I used to get aggravated with my tree because all the ornaments and ribbons would fall off whenever a boy or a pet was near it, which was often. This year I fastened my ribbons to the tree with binder clips. It works for me.

7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.
It's not a favorite line by any means, but when we hear someone sing the phrase Do you hear what I hear, the boys always follow it up by singing Please be more specific.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My answers are longer this week probably because I'm putting off some of those items on my to-do list.


  1. I agree...folks don't seem to be sending out as many Christmas cards as they used to. I don't like having to address them...take FOREVER!

  2. I love how you alleviate the hectic pace of the season...I should try your methods :)

  3. I sometimes operate like you in #5 : ) You have a grandgirl to hold...I say that needs to be #1 on the list!

  4. Love your header picture! You sound organize...I think you have to be that way in order to keep calm over the holidays! Have a great day!

  5. I love reading your answers. They make me laugh or at the very least smile.


Well don't just stand there! Say something! : )

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