Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Top Ten Resolutions

So have you started on your New Year's Resolutions yet? I set some every year. I fail at most of them, but I still make them. After all, to not make resolutions at all is just to admit that much earlier that I am failing. Who wants to start out the New Year admitting failure? Some years I've really struggled to come up with resolutions. Not because there weren't any areas to improve on, but because there weren't necessarily any that I really wanted to commit to that year. In case that's where you're at this second day of 2008, I've done you a favor. I've compiled a list of the top ten New Year's resolutions that many people make. This is a completely unbiased list gleaned from a little internet research, a little poling of a few friends and just stuff I wanted to include. Here it is:

1. Lose Weight--Come on, you didn't see this one coming?

2. Get organized --Fits almost everyone's list, doesn't it?

3. Exercise more--Sure, use the word "more". Like you exercised at all last year.

4. Get out of debt--Just in time to go nuts on next year's Christmas list.

5. Spend more time with family--if you have to schedule this, maybe you need more than a resolution.

6. Quit smoking--Careful! The stress from your other resolutions might make this one more difficult.

7. Quit drinking--Again, you might need more than a resolution if you have to set this goal.

8. Read the Bible through this year--Definitely a must. I think everyone should set this resolution every year.

9. Improve your spiritual walk--This one just might help with some of your other resolutions!

10. Get a better job--If you're resolving to do this one, maybe you need to resolve to get more of a life outside of your job.

So there it is. Bear in mind, these aren't necessarily my top ten resolutions. I thought about listing those, but then everyone else knows what I'm striving for and doesn't that make me more accountable? Come to think of it, it might help me stick to them more. That's something I'll have to think about! In the meantime, what resolutions did you set for this year?


  1. So true! For the first time this year I had a hard time setting any resolutions. My life is changing so much with our first baby due to be born, moving into a house...these are just the top of the list...that I didn't know where to begin. Well, let me restate that, after reading this I guess my one New Year's resolution should be to better my prayer life.

  2. I had completely forgotten about New Year's resolutions for 2008! Where did 2007 go? Well, for a short list, these will work:
    1. Read the Bible through in a year (I make this one every year)
    2. Make better use of my time (I have a teenage girl, my time is her time!)
    3. Complete all projects before I start new ones (yep, that's gonna work)
    4. Lose weight (An annual tradition)
    5. Gain weight (Not something I'm really striving for, but when April rolls around,#4 has been long forgotten, and the "fat clothes" resurface, I can make-believe I've accomplished something!)

  3. Kari, boy you do have a lot of changes coming up! I'll be praying for you too. Freda, I love your #5 resolution! LOL I never thought of putting it in that kind of a positive light before.

  4. Well, after reading your list that you have compiled, I am happy to say that I won't have to "work" on numbers 4,5,6,7,and 10. The others are excellent resolutions that anyone should be encouraged to do.

    Happy New Year!!!!


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